Don't know what this is? See the description in this post! Also see the FAQ.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Draezoln FAQ

Funny how I'm writing the "Frequently Asked Questions" section before anyone has actually asked me any questions... I guess FAQ is one of those terms that has experienced semantic drift. Anyways, to the FAQ!

1) What in the world is Draezoln?

Actually, it is a world. Draezoln is (one of) the names for the world this novel is set in. More info can be found on this page. (Note that the page indicated is still a work in progress)

2) Half-dragons!?

Yes, two of my protagonists are half-dragons. I have good reasons for this, which I don't particularly feel like explaining, but trust me. It wasn't a "dragons r cool so I'll use halfdragony guys!" decision. You'll find that being half-dragon means some interesting things for the characters.

2b) And your other protagonist is a griffon?

That's completely his fault. He was supposed to just be a mount for Almonihah Zrathanzon, but he insisted on developing a personality and a character all his own. Sometimes these things just happen.

3) Speaking of Almonihah Zrathanzon, why do you use his first name as a screen name?

Because I like the name and I'm too lazy to come up with a new one. To avoid confusion, and to avoid writing "Almonihah Zrathanzon" over and over again, I'll often refer to him as A.Z., but don't let him catch you doing it...

4) Umm... why did one of your characters respond to my comment?

They have a life of their own sometimes. Trust me. I have to live with them.

5) Wouldn't site X be better for this type of thing?

If it's free and easy to use, it probably would. I have no particular attachment to Blogspot, it was just a site I knew about that was free. If I like whatever site you suggest well enough, I might even switch.

6) Hmm... Tiamat and Bahamut, metallic and chromatic dragons... sounds familiar...

Garkhen, A.Z., and Zakhin'Dakh were originally characters in a D&D party. However, after how much time and effort I invested into getting to know them, I felt they needed a chance to tell their story in a world that was... mostly free from the excesses of D&D. That being said, there were a few elements of D&D that I felt were too vital to them for me to eliminate from the setting. This was one of them. I could have renamed the deities, but I felt I might as well be honest and not pretend I'd made them up on my own like the rest of the pantheon.

If you have any other questions, ask them in the comments to this post, and I might answer in the FAQ.

1 comment:

  1. I tend to write FAQs for my stories because it helps me identify points of interest for the reader and gives me a chance to highlight information and background story that might not have come up in the actual story. Nothing wrong with starting with one at all!

    I found this all quite helpful and really enjoy a glimpse into the author's mind with sections such as this. :)
