Chapter 11:
Tower of Mages
“There are
times when secrets must be kept, it is true... but much more often, I
find them dangerous. So often they are tools used to seek power over
others, ones that are difficult to fight as they are unknown. And so
I am always wary of those who would hide their purposes from others,
for I fear in their heart they dream themselves kings.”
One of the freed
slaves was a mage skilled in wind magic, so they made good time. On
the second day they saw sails behind them, but they didn't draw much
closer over the next week. But about eight days out from the pirate
base, Zakhin'Dakh dove back down towards the deck in the middle of
one of his frequent “I'm bored with sitting around” flights.
More things that
way! He screeched to Almonihah, pointing ahead of the ship.
Almonihah asked in Common, for the sake of everyone else around.
The big griffon
nodded. Yeah!
“How many ships?”
“Zakhin'Dakh says
there's two ships ahead 'f us,” Almonihah translated.
This was hardly
taken as welcome news, but there was nothing for it. If they turned
one way or the other, the ships behind them might catch up, and those
ones they knew were pirates. These ones... well, they could
It wasn't long
before the lookouts could see the sails, and then everyone aboard the
ship. It was a long, tense time, however, until anyone could tell
whose ships they were.
“They're flying
Midport's flag!” One of the lookouts called out, to be greeted with
weary cheers.
The tension was not
entirely gone as they neared the pair of ships, for pirates were
known to fly false flags, but the closer they came, the more it
seemed they were who they proclaimed they were. Soon enough a mage on
the prow of the first of the pair of ships called out, his voice
magically carried on the wind, “Who are you to sail with no flag?”
prisoners, fleeing pirates,” the captain replied to the air,
assuming the spell would carry his voice back. “If you're hunting
some, there's at least a pair following us.”
There was a moment
of silence before the voice returned. “Stand by to be inspected. If
you're who you say you are, you're welcome to our protection... and
we'll want to ask you some questions. If not, you'll find it was not
wise to lie.”
Ooo, look at the ominous chapter title...