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Saturday, November 27, 2010

New Site!

So, for one of my Internet Programming class projects, we need to present on a web technology of our choice. One of the suggestions was Wordpress. I took one look at that and said, "Hey! I've been kind of unhappy with Blogspot in terms of what I can do to make it look the way I want, and Wordpress sounds like it's a lot more flexible. Let's do that!"

So right now, I'm working on creating a site for Chronicles of Draezoln. For the foreseeable future, I'll probably keep updating both sites (when I update at all...), but at some point, I'll probably switch completely over. The site is It's still a work in progress, but I'll probably have the all of what I've written of the actual text of The Chainer's Legacy on there in a few days.


  1. You'll really enjoy Wordpress -- I run all my sites on it (as you may know). If you need any tips or suggestions, let know! If you got Blogspot down, it won't be too hard to figure out Wordpress. :)

  2. Your sites are part of why I looked into it. I've gotten most of chapter 1 up on the new site now. It just looks like it'll be a pain to copy everything.
