Almonihah was less
surprised this time when Zakhin'Dakh suddenly reverted to his normal
size. Illusin had shrunk the griffon down to fit him in the building
with them, then cast the spell to send them on to... wherever here
was. It was up in the mountains, certainly, but not in the Madlands.
It was also a trap.
Of course, they'd expected that, which was why Garkhen had warded all
of them heavily before they'd departed. He grunted now as the barrage
of arrows bounced off the air around the trio, forcing him to channel
more energy into maintaining the wards around them. Almonihah, on the
other hand, had a clear shot at the half-dozen archers around them,
who were standing with no regard to cover, confident their ambush
would have killed any pursuers.
An arrow to the
chest quickly disabused one of the ambushers of that notion, and the
rest quickly backed up, desperately searching for some sort of cover
while they reached for more arrows. There was little to be found,
however, at least close by—the teleportation circle had placed them
on mountain path, in a place where the path spread out somewhat. The
archers were on both sides of them, trying to back up down the path
without getting to near to the steep drop-off on one side.
shrieked and leaped forward, wings half-opening in the time it took
him to be upon one of the archers. His talons scrabbled for purchase
on stone as he bit into one of the men, but there was simply not
enough room for him, and he was soon sliding off the path with a dead
archer in his beak. With a powerful leap he pushed off of the
mountainside and began to fly, wheeling back around to rejoin the
Almonihah had
enough time to shoot another of the archers before they had
recovered, though his arrow only hit an arm. Still, it was enough to
cause the man to drop his bow. The remaining three archers fired on
Almonihah, only to have their arrows again brushed aside by wards.
Zakhin'Dakh swooped
back in before they could nock more arrows, seizing a pair of them
and throwing them off the mountainside as he turned back towards open
air. Almonihah's next arrow took the remaining, uninjured archer in
the chest. The injured man had, by now, drawn an axe with his
uninjured arm, and now charged at the two half-dragons.
Garkhen blocked his
attack with his shield. “Surrender!” He growled at the attacker,
whose only response was to lift his axe again.
Almonihah's next
arrow made certain he no longer drew breath.
He then glanced
around at their surroundings, then waved Zakhin'Dakh back over.
“Better get out 'f his way,” He commented to Garkhen.
The two of them
stepped back as the big griffon came in for a landing. “Get on,”
Almonihah commanded the Warder.
Garkhen looked
surprised. “I am...”
“You've been
throwing around those wards all through this battle,” Almonihah
interrupted, “'nd I'll bet you're about t' fall over. Get on, 'nd
save your strength.”
Garkhen could not
argue with that logic, and so, with some difficulty, climbed up into
the saddle on Zakhin'Dakh's back.
“I'll figure out
which way they went, 'nd then we can fly along th' path,” Almonihah
continued, turning to look at the ground.
Zakhin'Dakh and
Garkhen waited, the griffon watching curiously, the Warder closing
his eyes for a bit of rest, while the Ranger searched for tracks. It
was difficult to tell, with the path more stone than anything else,
but there was enough dirt for him to gradually piece together which
way a number of humans had recently gone.
He looked up at the
sky, gauging which direction they had gone. “Southeast. Should've
“Towards the
Madlands,” Garkhen agreed, quietly.
In other news, look at this fun Zakhin'Dakh picture!
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